The concept of hunger and its application to the spiritual life in the works of s. Ambrose of Milan

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Miguel Ángel Cervantes Pardo


This article presents the results of my thesis for the License in Sacred Theology at the Pontifical Lateran University of 2013, entitled “An approximation to the concept of hunger and its application to the spiritual life in the works of S. Ambrose of Milan”. This study found that the concept of hunger was not limited to the Scriptures and the Eucharist, but it also expressed an anthropological need that will be addressed by Jesus Christ and the nourishment he provided.

After a careful study of the vocabulary related to hunger in all the works of the Milanese Bishop, I presented the theme of hunger in St. Ambrose’s interpretation of the story of Joseph, the Patriarch, and the call of Levi. The moral implications of the hunger that fell all over the world finds a solution in Joseph, image of Christ. Thus, the motive of hunger and its universality is an occasion to show the damage that original sin provoked in man and it is the premise for the food that the New Joseph brings to all. The welcoming of Christ by faith provokes an anthropological transformation: it satiates man’s tendency to do evil and heals him in order to do good.

Thus, the study manifested the great unity and theological density of this image in S. Ambrose’s thought. Through the initial welcoming of Christ by faith, guided by the Holy Scriptures and matured and sealed by the sacraments, is the condition to pass from the hunger of the things of this world – an obstacle to man salvation – to the hunger of the heavenly things that deeply nourish and satisfy man, leading him to salvation. By faith in Christ, man will not suffer the eternal punishment of hunger.

In sum, man cannot be fulfilled unless welcoming Christ by faith. With this topic the Milanese Bishop makes a fervent call to everyone to abandon incredulity and welcome Christ, who is the only “food” that can satisfy. Christ indeed, offers himself to all who welcome Him by faith.

Detalhes do artigo

Como Citar
Cervantes Pardo, M. Ángel. (2022). The concept of hunger and its application to the spiritual life in the works of s. Ambrose of Milan. Brasiliensis, 11(21), 19-50.
Biografia do Autor

Miguel Ángel Cervantes Pardo

Doutor em Sagrada Teologia pela Universidade Lateranense de Roma.

Como Citar

Cervantes Pardo, M. Ángel. (2022). The concept of hunger and its application to the spiritual life in the works of s. Ambrose of Milan. Brasiliensis, 11(21), 19-50.

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