The expression κυριακῆ ἡμέρα and its meaning in Rev 1:10

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Gilvan Leite de Araujo


The present work consists of a brief analysis of the Hapax Legomenon found in Rev 1:10: κυριακῆ ἡμέρα (day of the Lord). Such an analysis focuses, first of all, on a study of the adjective κυριακόϛ in the literature of the first centuries that will help us to understand its use and meaning for the Christians of that time. Next, we will continue our investigation from the exegetical analysis of the immediate context of our expression in the book of Revelation. This study, in the light of current criticism, will allow us to understand what the author of the work wanted to convey to his readers (listeners) through this expression

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How to Cite
Leite de Araujo, G., & Torres Julián, I. (2025). The expression κυριακῆ ἡμέρα and its meaning in Rev 1:10. Brasiliensis, 13(25), 31-48.

How to Cite

Leite de Araujo, G., & Torres Julián, I. (2025). The expression κυριακῆ ἡμέρα and its meaning in Rev 1:10. Brasiliensis, 13(25), 31-48.